Make WordPress Fit: The Cinderella Shoe Approach to Custom Theming

In this presentation, I will demonstrate how a custom WordPress theme should be melded to the client’s needs and not how a client should be shoved into the limitations of a pre-existing theme with a few tweaks. The admin should be a pleasant experience for the client without extra whistles and bells.

Key take-aways:

1. Always offer a project questionnaire
2. Establish Site Architecture before you touch a line of code.
3. Use a basic theme such as _score to keep the clutter down in the admin
4. Utilizing WordPress Custom Post Types for regularly used content such as: portfolio items, sponsor logos, team members, musicians
5. Utilizing: Advanced Custom Fields Plugin and Posts 2 Post plugin to make something that is nearly enterprise level
6. Always be up for the challenge, you will gain more skill and insight as a result.

I encourage and invite developers to stretch their knowledge with each client. Your clients will love you for it.