We’ll Have Workshops Too

In addition to the 28 sessions we will be having on Saturday and Sunday, we will also be having four workshops for more hands-on on learning. The workshop room will feature round tables instead of a classroom style setting to encourage interaction and conversation. Each workshop will have an organizer, but may also have other helpers in the room for direct questions and additional assistance. The workshops will be as follows (subject to change):

  • Saturday Morning – Beginner’s Workshop led by Steve Zehngut. If you are absolutely new to WordPress, this is for you.
  • Saturday Afternoon – From HTML to WordPress led by Gregg Franklin. This workshop will help developers and designer move their HTML templates into a WordPress theme.
  • Sunday Morning – Core Contribution led by Mike Schroder. Here we will be giving back to WordPress with patches and contributions.
  • Sunday Afternoon – Business Coaching led by Chris Lema. Chris and others will be answering your business and entrepreneurial questions about running a WordPress business.

A huge thank you to the leaders to volunteered (or were drafted) to organize these workshops.